You Can Be Their Eyes Braille Bible Distribution
Budget: ₦1,771,731.00
0.00% raised
Amount raised: ₦5,311,240.00

You Can Be Their Eyes Braille Bible Distribution

Population: 120 | 2023 Budget: ₦1771731.00 | Project Number: 000031

      The Bible Society of Nigeria has recognized that individuals with visual disabilities often face challenges accessing the Word of God due to the high cost of Braille Bibles. In response, the society has undertaken a project to provide Braille Bibles to people with visual disabilities, having donated 137 complete sets of the Bible to the blind people pan Nigeria in year 2022.

However, there is a need to extend this provision to individual members of society who are Braille literate. The society aims to distribute 120 complete sets of the Braille Bible to the blind people across the country. Beyond providing access to the Word of God, the project also seeks to sensitize Nigerians about the needs of individuals with visual disabilities and encourage them to take positive actions towards promoting their education, training, and employment opportunities. Through this project, the society hopes to foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment for individuals with visual disabilities, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the development of the church and the nation at large.

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The You Can Be Their Eyes Braille Bible Distribution project was designed to address the...


The project goals are:to provide access to the Word of God for people with visual...


High cost of Braille BiblesThe Bible is not available locally and has to be imported.


Partnership with NGOs to identify PVDs in need of the Braille Bibles.Source for funding for...
Project Category Population Budget Project Number
People with Visual Disabilities (PVD) 120 ₦ 1,771,731.00 000031
To Support