Bible Club
Bible Club
Budget: ₦1,628,520.00
0.00% raised
Amount raised: ₦2,200.00

Bible Club

Population: 400 | 2023 Budget: ₦1628520.00 | Project Number: 000055

The Bible Club project aims to organize Bible clubs in various schools in Lagos to increase the number of students cultivating a Bible reading culture. The project seeks to create an environment that encourages critical thinking, deeper engagement with the Bible, and the development of leadership skills among children. The ultimate goal is to build a community of young people with strong Biblical and Christian values who will support the Bible cause and make positive changes in their communities and the Nigerian nation. The project also recognizes that leadership failures in modern societies are often due to defective character and wrong principles and seeks to address this through the Bible Club's activities.

To Support


Organizing the Bible clubs across the various school will help to increase the numbers of...


The follow are some of the project goals:1. to help members cultivate Bible reading culture from...


Other school's activities prevent the activities of the Bible Club


1.      There will be a maximum of 20 members for each level. 2.      The Club...
Project Category Population Budget Project Number
Youth and Children 400 ₦ 1,628,520.00 000055
To Support