Our Projects

Prominent amongs our projects are:

Budget: ₦12,626,040.00
0.01% raised
Amount raised: ₦1,297.80

Ogbia Bible Translation Project

The Bible Society of Nigeria exists to make "the Holy Bible available and affordable to all Nigerians in their preferred Languages and formats, helping them engage with the Word... Read More

Budget: ₦6,790.00
0.15% raised
Amount raised: ₦10.00


The Deaf community has suered neglect in the past. Their hearing disability has separated them from the hearing community and this has left them without God and without God's... Read More

Budget: ₦1,771,731.00
241.71% raised
Amount raised: ₦4,282,500.00

You Can Be Their Eyes Braille Bible Distribution

      The Bible Society of Nigeria has recognized that individuals with visual disabilities often face challenges accessing the Word of God due to the high cost of Braille... Read More

Budget: ₦10,386,180.00
0.96% raised
Amount raised: ₦100,197.30

Epie Bible Translation Project

The mission of the BSN is "making the word of God available and affordable to Nigerians in their preferred languages and formats, helping them to engage with the word of... Read More

Budget: ₦15,529,357.80
0.01% raised
Amount raised: ₦1,550.00

Okpe First Bible Translation Project

The Okpe First Bible Translation Project is targeted at helping the Okpe speaking community of Delta State, South-south Nigeria, have unrestricted access to the Word of God in their native... Read More

Budget: ₦11,148,137.00
3.58% raised
Amount raised: ₦399,600.00

Binna (Yungur) First Bible Translation Project

Should they be without the WORD? The approximately 200,000 Yungur-speaking community in Adamawa state, Nigeria has no Bible in their heart language. Although they have and use the Hausa... Read More

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